Sunday, April 6, 2008

First Blog....ever.

So, this is my first blog ever. I'm pretty excited actually. I can tell already that things are gonna be just fine with us. aha. Yeah. I guess I'll start with an Introduction:

My name is Harrison Peaks. I am 17 years of age. I go to Portsmouth Christian School. I like people....most of the time. I am the youngest of 3 boys. Jason, 23, is the oldest and has been said to look like my twin. And Nick, 21, is the oddball. Just cuz he doesn't look like us. But he fits into the family more easily than us other two. I am the son of Pastors Tony and Kathy Peaks. They are pastors at Open Door Church in our hometown of Suffolk. Well, that's anough about me.

Shall we begin my history of blogs with....I daresay, a blog?

Since it's my first one, I will be breif (yes like the underwear).
I would like to thank, from the bottom of my heart, the guy who invented pizza. He is...or more correctly was a genius. As you may have guessed, Pizza is my favorite food. I can eat it any day every day, and never get sick of it. It's the perfect meal. Think about it. It includes all the basic food groups: bread (the crust and bottom), veggies (tomato sauce), meats (if you get pepperoni or sausage), dairy (the cheese), and fruit (if you are one of the proud few who like pineapples on thier pizza). Ergo, it is the ideal meal (and the totally rhymes). That is why a slice of pizza is in the shape of a triangle. Just like the basic food group pyramid. BAM. I'm done with this.

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