Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Breathe Your Breath

So it's been a couple days since I have blogged. And so I have taken the time to sit down and compile these thoughts.

-Do not fart when you are in a chemistry lab.

-Wear sunglasses when the sun is in your eyes.

-Always wear a helmet when attempting something stupid.

-Breath your own breath.

Well, that's enough philosophy for today. Now to some reall stuff.

In chemistry today, we tasted numerous fruits and vegetables from a variety of sorts. I ate some plums, apples, oranges, pears, pickles, lemon, lime, and the worst ones, radishes, parsley and onions. Do not ask me why we did this spontaneous taste test. Mainly because I myself do not know why. Btw, my chem. teacher, Mrs. Smith, is probably the craziest old lady I've ever met, and might possibly be mentally retarded. I dont know, but yeah so we ate all that stuff. Then to get rid of the bad taste, we ate cheddar cheese Sun Chips (inc.).

You're probably wondering, "where is he going with this?". Well, I'll tell you where I'm going with this. Our breath stinks. More precisely, MY breath stinks. no matter how much I brush my teeth, I always gewt the feeling that my breath stinks. And sometimes it really, does, and sometimes it doesn't. But, the crazie thing that got me thinking was..."Does my breath stink spiritually?" Think about it. When you have really bad breath. Like after you onions like I did, or radishes, your breath smells like a trash compact. But you yourself is the last one to know it. Like, you could go the whole day with bad breath and breathing in people's faces when you talk to them or laugh really hard, and not realize it til you get home. It's happened to me before. It just happened today.

Now, let's think for a second. Say you go a whole day without spending time in the Word, or praying, or doing devotions and whatnot. By the end of that day, your breath is gonna stink (think analogetically here, folks. meaning spiritually). We won't notice it until we get home and realize, "Man, today was a horrible day. And it was because my spirit man didn't get his teeth brushed". I know for a fact that I have gotten almost the same reaction from people when I have bad breath and talk to them, as I have on days where I haven't read my Bible, and people just didn't seem to want to be around me. It made the day horrible because everyone was avoiding me and my bad breath. Now, I'm sure people don't literally think to themsleves, "I dont think he did his devotions today. I'm not talking to him". No, I think it's more a psychological thing. People don't wanna talk to dumb people. And I don't act the same on days I have Read, as on day where I have not Read. And I think that's why people react the way they do on each day. I've also noticed that on days or weeks where I have hit my devotions hard, I get along with my brothers, friends, and even parents MUCH better. And i think there's a direct connection with that there.

So, in closing of this blog. Please brush your teeth, read God's Word hungrily, and please, for the sake of all of us.

Breathe your own Breath.

Signed as An Unworthy Peasant,

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